Orders Being Shipped outside of the United States
If you live outside of the United States and want to place an order, it is easy.
First contact Hilton Electronics by e-mail, hiltonkeith43@gmail.com, saying what you would like to order. Hilton Electronics will then send you a return e-mail payment invoice that will include shipping cost.
You will be asked in the e-mail if you would like a PayPal payment request sent to you for payment. If you agree, then Hilton Electronics will send you a PayPal payment request.
It is easy and simple, and you will soon have the items you ordered.
First contact Hilton Electronics by e-mail, hiltonkeith43@gmail.com, saying what you would like to order. Hilton Electronics will then send you a return e-mail payment invoice that will include shipping cost.
You will be asked in the e-mail if you would like a PayPal payment request sent to you for payment. If you agree, then Hilton Electronics will send you a PayPal payment request.
It is easy and simple, and you will soon have the items you ordered.